As a species the Sorex are perceived to be vile, cruel and uncaring for anyone and anything other than relating to their world. They inhabit the drudges of the world, from swamps, moors, dark forests and the sewers of the great cities. They are well known for being spies, bounty hunters, and assassins often being employed by less than savory individuals and in some cases by the great states against one another.
Often thought of as insidious, the true nature of the Sorex is hidden by a veil of secrecy that only the Sorex know their true natures. They use this reputation to strike fear in others, it is something they truly enjoy.

Physical Description
Sorex resemble humanoid rats, unlike their distant cousins the manax. They have long rounded ears, small protruding snouts with the distinctive two front incisors, large round eyes that range in color and a long prehensile tail. Standing on reversed knees and long rat like feet that end in dark, dirty claws sorex are a truly cousins of rats. They have dark brown or black fur, with a rare white coat. Their eyes are a solid color.
They wear little clothing except for leather groin-clothes, leather vests and a leather belt. They love deep blue or purple and will often pierce their ears with two or three different rings.
The leather vest often contains many pockets, they also wear a belt that contains anywhere from 10 to 100 different pouches. These pouches are used to keep everything a single sorex owns.
Sorex, unlike the manax are generally at full speed nearly all the time. They are impulsive creatures that find their basic drives and their overall effectiveness in life are one in the same.
Most sorex are 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh 75 pounds.
Sorex, unlike the Manax, are generally at full speed nearly all the time. They are impulsive creatures that find their basic drives and their overall effectiveness in life are one in the same. Sorex have little use or trust for others that are non-sorex, as they see non-sorex as unable to understand the very core of what it means to be Sorex , even the Manax have no idea about the deep lives of the Sorex .
Sorex are passionate highly opportunistic scavengers, combing the wilderness, cities and ruins of the world for aradagh or scraps which they can take and sell to the local residents, forming a codependent circle of trade. However, they have a reputation for thievery, swindling, and cheating, often selling hastily re-built equipment and faulty aradagh. Thus, most people are wary of their goods, but they are often purchased from due to being hard-pressed to find a better selection in their remote locations or are attempting to avoid prying eyes.
Sorex have a sense of pride about their ability to acquire those things that others no longer need and be able to turn them into items that they want, or that would require maintenance, or expensive parts to replace, which of course most Sorex are ready and willing to provide service for.
Those Sorex that seek adventure do so knowing that the world they are journeying into does not really accept or acknowledge their species. Because of this they are cautious, but are not fearful or dull-witted. To many Sorex the opportunity to face enemies, overcome traps, or outsmart foes give them a sense of challenge and the chance to complete a task that others have tired and failed at gives them the best chance to earn their keep, both in a group of adventurers and within their clans. As a result of how the world views them they have problems trusting the outside world. Thus, despite their dislike or even hatred for the Manax species, they place a great value on the opinions of those few they come to trust. This trust is often hard won and with much effort, can be easily lost if abused.
Languages and Names
Sorex speak Druna. Druna, in its natural form, is a complex language filled with clicks, and whistles along with spoken words. While they are not as quick as the Manax, they are quick to learn others languages. Like other species they tend to learn the most commonly spoken language within the region they live in.
Cultural Kin and Communities
Sorex are found through out the world in underground lairs and city sewers. They also populate ruins and the upper slums of ancient cities. In a mirror like relation the Sorex communities are exactly like those of the Manax, they are tightly woven, and tend to have extensive connections with those species and communities they share territory with, primarily do to the fact that they seem to be making all sorts of trouble for those that they live near. Sorex take great pride in their clans and ancestry, Druna has 13 different word and terms to describe relationship, lineage and bloodline. Clans keep very accurate records of these relationships, recording family lines with extreme detail. Few Sorex leave the clan lifestyle and when they do they can be found in less than reputable locales, or even traveling through the Ominverse, often as a stowaway on one void ship or another. Unlike the quiet and peaceful Manax homes, Sorex homes tend to be loud, cluttered areas that are filled with all sorts of devices, tricks and traps.
Sorex clans are made up of several families, and tribes are made up 5 to 10 clans. With tribes made up of 20 to 200 individuals. Each tribe claims a territory that is marked with specific symbols and each of these tribes have a distinctive look about them to distinguish each individual tribe from other tribe if several tribes are in a single region. Each tribe is seen over by a female heilark. Within Sorex culture, heilarks are thought to possess the ability to foretell the future, as well as perform spells, place hexes and grant blessings to protect the tribe as well as ensure the well-being of the tribe and all its members. It is customary for the heilark to take on a student during her tenure, training this apprentice to take her place when when she dies.
Most encountered Sorex will be males (75%), females are typically encountered in the massive and extensive lairs protecting their children and providing shelter and food.
They love magic and have a fascination with spying. They have an incredible knack for building traps and tricks in whatever area they inhabit. Unlike the Manax, the Sorex are a more “technological-advanced” species, they have little use for rituals, could care less about good or bad luck and unlike Manax, love the use of magic and jinhu.
Sorex Features
Species Merit Cost: 1200
Age: Sorex begin at the age 12, and may live up to 50 years
Weight: Base 65 plus 3d10
Size: Sorex are small creatures
Vision: Sorex have Heightened Nightvision
Move: Base Move of 15 feet per Movement Action
Languages: Sorex begin play speaking Druna and any two languages they choose.
Resistances: None
Sorex Bonuses: Sorex gain +15 Alertness checks,+20 Fatigue Points;
Sorex Attribute Modifiers: +10 to any two: Agility, Perception, Wits or Willpower
Sorex Traits: Disease Immunity. There is no natural disease known to effect the Sorex, they are completely immune to all forms of natural disease.
Aggressive Defense. If the Sorex is about to be attacked it may instead make a single strike at its would-be attacker before they attack, if they’re in range, this is a Move Action for that turn.
Claws. Because of their clawed hands, the Sorex gain +10 bonus to all climbing attempts. In addition these claws have a base damage of 3 as a Natural Weapon Attacks.
Prehensile Tail: Your long tail is highly flexible and you have mastered its control. You can use it to retrieve small objects, hold onto small objects and be able carry these small objects as easily as if they were in your hand.
Species Abilities Sorex begin play with two of the following abilities: Ancient Foe, And That's Why I'm Small, Defensive Training, Fleet of Foot, In The Shadows, Natural Source, Unique Aptitude
Species Abilities
Ancient Foe: Your clan has fought long and hard to survive and have developed a long, ancient hatred towards a particular group of monsters. Choose any two of the following monster types: Animal, Beasts, Constructs, Magical Beasts (Sub Type); Monstrous Humanoids (Specific Species), or Supernatural. You gain a +10 bonus to its Physical Defense and +10 Attack Bonus against this monster type only. Your critical hit range also increases by +5 against these monster types.
And That’s Why I’m Small: The Sorex species’ size is more often a hindrance in battle than a boon. Yet Sorex have learned to get into spaces and positions that grant them a bonus to their Physical Defense based upon the size of the opponent that they can share an occupied space with. Sorex gain a +10 Physical Defense bonus for each size above it's current size, but only against that specific creature they are sharing the space with.
Defensive Training: You have trained hard, taken beatings and still have gotten up to battle on. Because of this harsh training you have also learned how not to get hit or repel a mental/spiritual assault. You gain an additional +5 bonus to any 1 Defense Type per rank to a maximum bonus of +50, it must choose a new Defense type each rank.
Fleet of Foot: Sorex are very quick in getting from one place to another. It gains +5 to its normal movement rate.
Infernal Magic: At some point in your clan history it was tainted with a bloodline of a fiend or demon. Because of this, the spells from either Fire, Earth, Water or Air elements are treated as 1 PR level lower for casting purposes only, but can never be lower than 0 PR. Once it have chosen this element it may not change it.
Mortal's Hope: You are filled with a sense of hope that grants it a +20 to any fear or horror checks and +10 to their Physical Defense. Additionally, 3 times per day you gain double their Stamina Modifier as Health Points when you reach 0 Health, this is in addition to any other bonus Health Points.
Natural Source: There are those within the Sorex species that have the untapped potential to become great spellcasters, have a deeper connection to its deities, or be able to tap into the power of its spirit. Through this ability when a Sorex casts or uses a power it can cause any target that it specifies at the time of use to suffer -10 modifier to their defense per 5 ranks: Magical, Divine or Jinhu; when they attempt to defend against spells that it target against them.
Unique Aptitude: You are a unique individual among the Sorex and stand out from the norm, displaying attributes and abilities not common among to your people. You may take another species’ ability.