Living in hovels, caves, mines, alleys, dungeons, city sewers and other bleak places dwell the creature called the Koh-boru. They are by sheer number the largest species in the world. There are more Koh-boru alive than their are other members of other “civilized” species. However, this has not been a favorable stance for the species. Because of their small size, the rampant desire for gold and precious metals and their overwhelming wanderlust, even greater than that of the Aelwyn, Koh-boru have remained creatures of little power. Many of them prefer it this way, while others, are determined to gather their kin’s strength one day under a single flag of united Koh-boru. Should that day ever arrive, woe is the world.

Physical Description
Koh-boru are small creatures averaging about 2’-6” - 3’-6” in height and weigh only 50-75 lbs. They are incredibly strong for their size and are able to tangle with much larger foes that would easily stop other smaller species.
They have short muzzles that hold a number of razor sharp teeth, like those of the sorex or manax. They have large noses, large sharp ears and large oval shaped eyes. Koh-boru skin is generally a dusky gray with tints of deep red. They have no hair, except for the small amount that grows from their head like a mane down the middle of their head.
Koh-boru eyes are generally green or purple with flecks of silver. Their hands end in three digits with very sharp claws. Their feet are small and end in the same digits as their hands. They have a long (2’6”) tail.
They generally wear ruddy clothes, a dark shirt and pants, and no shoes. Their feet are like tough leather and can withstand extremes of heat and cold with no effect on the Koh-boru.
Koh-boru are considered nasty little tricksters and are seen as having no or little value by others. Koh-boru are not happy go lucky creatures, rather they are harsh, mean spirited beings that enjoy nothing more than to sabotage other species plans for success or victory, and they especially delight in the down fall of those in positions of power.
While the whole world to a koh-boru appears to be a THEM vs US mentality. This does not necessarily mean the same for all koh-boru. Generally, this mentality is a direct relation to their size as much as their general disposition to others that are not koh-boru. Koh-boru are obsessed with many other cultures, but will never really be able to share in the wealth, power and prestige that some of these cultures and individuals within are able to attain.
As a species koh-boru are often the direct opposite of honor-bound species, personal valor for a koh-boru is overrated. Most talk a big game, but when they get into the thick of things, they tend to make a quick exit or fall back to where large and more powerful allies are positioned. Koh-boru are often labeled as deviant, cheating, free-riding, egoistic and are highly manipulative. They can be ruthless, cold, self-destructive and indulgent in pursuit of their own desires at the expense of other non-koh-boru. They tend to ignore their moral compass and have no real concern for the welfare of others, unless you are designated as "family".
One of the biggest boosts that koh-boru get is in their numbers, the more of them the better they feel towards the world. Even if it is a chosen family while adventuring. As a matter of fact koh-boru's will only fight in a toe-to-toe melee if the odds are in their favor, otherwise they will fall back to using guerilla war tactics.
Languages and Names
Koh-boru all speak Ginosh. This language is similar in fashion to that of the Sorex, which is made up of words mixed with type of clicking sounds, which can be difficult for non- koh-boru to speak, even for the talented manax. Most koh-boru also speak pidgin of common and Azhdehak.
Cultural Kin and Communities
Despite the fact that most koh-boru tend to avoid acquiring personal valor, nearly all koh-boru clans are extremely well organized into very specific castes. Each koh-boru is placed into a pecking order based on their social caste, and there is very rarely a change in these social stations. While a warrior or a neophyte priest might be elevated to a more prominent role within the clan, based on their proven ability, the chances of either of them taking over the clan are non-existant.
Koh-boru clans (esgah) are very small compared to most other species, comprised of about 15 to 20 koh-borus. But there could be up to four or five clans within a tribe, all of whom share a large territory in their respective regions, which more than often includes the lower sections, sewers, or tunnel ways below large cities.
Most koh-borus within a clan are workers, mostly unskilled diggers and miners, while there are number of skilled crafters, trained warriors and a small ruling class. While there is a specific "warrior"-caste nearly all koh-boru are able to pick up a weapon and use it.
Koh-boru place a great weight on the actions of their ancestors, thus title is hereditary within the clans. Which means that young koh-boru are often put through harsh conditions in order to determine their quality and if they are fit enough to become an heir-apparent for their parents heritage. This is specifically true for koh-boru leaders known as vadook. Those that are in line to become the next vadook undergo an additional test called zhuul zhuvar ("blood of the ancestors").
As leaders of the clan the word of the vadook is law and is final, though advisors (known as khutak) help guide these decisions. It is from the various clan vadooks, that the tribe chooses its leader known as the phokohtak ("great-one") and is usually a powerful spellcaster within the whole of the tribe.
There are two koh-boru kins: Ogimish and Knockers (or Igamik). Ogimish are the most common of the Koh-boru
and are a Koh-boru most often seen and heard of. They are the street urchins, the sewer rats and other names that
describe them in different lands. They are characterized by their deep red hide, white hair and blue-yellow eyes. They also tend to be the lowest within castes of koh-boru.
The real power behind the clans of the koh-boru are the Knockers, or Igamik in Ginosh. Knockers are unique among Koh-boru and are not like their cousins. These creatures are physically different as well as mentally different than any other Koh-boru in the world. Knockers are still no bigger than normal Koh-boru, and they still have the long ears, but somewhere along the line they lost their tails and grew a fourth digit in both their hands and feet. In addition, they are cobalt blue with long locks of white hair and gray eyes. Yet they are undoubtedly Koh-boru when it comes to culture.
Knockers, while still very mischievous are not as malevolent as the ogimish. They enjoy practical good humor and love to see wistful pranks be performed. They view the world as a large playground for them to romp around in. Their loyalty is still markedly Koh-boru, yet it is not as aggressive nor over bearing as their cousins. They are explorers and willing to go on adventures with others both as look outs and as danger sensors. They have a knack for avoiding most dangers.
Koh-boru Features
Species Merit Cost: 1200
Age: 8-12, live to be over 60 yrs
Weight: Base 60 plus 2d10
Size: Koh-boru tend to be Small creatures, (2-4 Feet)
Vision: Koh-boru have Night vision
Move: Base Move of 15 feet per Movement Action
Languages: Koh-boru begin play speaking Ginosh (Koh-boru Common), and broken Common
Resistances: None
Koh-boru Bonuses: +10 bonus to Perception (Hearing and Smell), +10 Alertness, +10 Fatigue Points
Koh-boru Attribute Modifiers: +10 to any two: Agility, Perception, Wits or Willpower
Koh-boru Traits: Fatigue Resistance. Due to their small size and their unique ability to adapt, Koh-boru do not easily
become fatigued. All fatigue costs are reduced by 3 to a minimum of 1, for Kohboru.
Gibberish. The Koh-boru, with their high pitched voices, can confuse everyone within 15 feet by uttering nonstop
gibberish. Victims must make an opposed Intelligence check vs. the Kohboru’s Charisma check. Those that fail are
Confused for 1 turn per success. Gibbering takes a Basic Action to do.
Tail Strike. Koh-boru can use their thin, rat like tails to strike at opponents that are on their flank or on their rear sides.
The tail strike does the Koh-boru’s Strength Modifier in damage. This is considered a Move Action.
Knocker Koh-boru Bonus. Danger Sense. The knockers have developed an oversensitive ability to detect danger. While
not as nearly powerful as some beings Alertness skills and Danger senses, knockers gain an additional +20 to their
Alertness Skill.
Ogimish Koh-boru Bonus. Disease Immunity. There is no natural disease known to effect the ogimish, they are
completely immune to all forms of natural disease.
Species Abilities Koh-boru begin play with two of the following abilities: And That's Why I Am Small, Bloodfire, Bonus Ability, Beguiling Liar, In the Blindspot, Prehensile Tail, Stalker, Weave Talent
Species Abilities
And That’s Why I’m Small: The your species’ size is more often a hindrance in battle than a boon. Yet You have learned to get into spaces and positions that grant you a bonus to its Physical Defense based upon the size of the opponent that you can share an occupied space with. You gain a +10 Physical Defense bonus for each size above your current size, but only against that specific creature you are sharing the space with.
Beguiling Liar: Koh-boru's are master liars. Most everything false that comes out of their mouth has greater chance of being believed. You gain +2 bonus successes on any Convince, Gambling or Haggle skill usages.
Bloodfire: Deep within your family species history you have bloodline ties to either a fiend or demon. Due to this you suffer only half damage from normal fires or heat. You also take reduced damage from fire based spells. Anytime that you are hit with a fire based spell the total damage is reduced by 2 point per its Stamina modifier.
Bonus Ability: Koh-boru begin play with 1 additional General Ability that does not have a prerequisite other than an Attribute.
In the Blindspot: Koh-boru's are able to get in the blindspot of a single opponent during combat. When you are within two times the normal your strike range of an opponent and are flanking them you can cause them to make a Perception check at a TS of 4. If they fail this check you gain 100% concealment against that target for 1 turn. You may use this on additional targets, but you must be in a flanking position on all targets.
Prehensile Tail: Your long tail is highly flexible and you have mastered its control. You can use it to retrieve small objects, hold onto small objects and be able carry these small objects as easily as if they were in your hand.
Stalker: You gain a +10 bonus to skill checks you make while you are actively stalking, performing surveillance, tracking, evading and stealthing. But may apply to other skills as deemed by its GM.
Weave Talent: Gain +10 bonus to either Divine Knowledge or Spellcraft and gain +10 Fatigue Points. This cannot be used with Kai Talent.
*Designer Notes: Koh-boru are not very pleasant to be around, and their personalities tend to drive groups into both small and big conflicts. Be careful with how you portray them and your group’s dynamic and how much intra-party conflict is okay. No amount of “it’s what my character would do” balances out ruining the fun of other people at the table.