Similiar to the Gunthian species, the Dajkiva are bipedal, humanoid birdfolk species. They have the head, and legs of various waterfowl (ducks, geese, and other anseriformes) and the upper torso and arms of a humanoids covered in feathers, but they lack the wings that the Gunthian species is known for.
Dajkiva are well known for their ability to swim and prefer to dress in light clothing that range in deep blues to grays to reds and browns.

Physical Description
Dajkiva know, though they do not like the direct association, that they appear to be humanoid ducks. They are similar in looks to water fowl from an often-referenced backwater world that occupied a small place in the arm of the Murcarius Arphemhal (spiral galaxy) , though few Dajkiva are willing to acknowledge any similarities. Their bodies are covered in a variety of colored feathers, have varying eye color from blue to orange to black to light purple, have a hard bill of various colors that tend to match their feather colors and is built in the same fashion as the "lesser" beings of ducks through out the known worlds and Omniverse. Those familiar with Dajkiva can identify where in the Omniverse they came from based on their bright, brilliant plumage, which differs greatly from one Dajkiva to another. These bills are filled with hundreds of tiny, sharp teeth that they can use to deliver a vicious bite should they need to. Because of the inflexibility of their bills, dajkiva are unable to make various sounds that are common among other humanoids that have lips and larger teeth, but their tongues are able to adjust for the variation of articulation of other languages, though it does come across with a strong lisp. Much other own language has hard sound click consonants because of their bill. They have short feathered tails, short necks, long (for their bodies) legs and wide, webbed feet.
They dress in light garb, often highly stylized yet functional to allow their wings to move freely should they need to take flight, protect themselves in battle, and still look good for social gatherings.
Most dajkiva stand between 3 and 5 feet in height and weigh between 100 and 135 pounds.
Clever, scholarly, and very social, the Dajvika are often found traveling far from home in search of gaining knowledge and wisdom from other cultures so they may add to their libraries—both personal and private. At times they are known to acquire this knowledge by way of acquiring well-guarded tomes and scrolls, with quick reflexes and nimble talons.
They inhabit sprawling cities built high in mountainous regions and throughout the canopies of forests, crafted from materials woven with magics that make them invisible from below.
This is not to say, however, that the Dajkiva are not capable warriors. Extremely protective of their accumulated wisdom against those who would use it for nefarious purposes, Dajkiva are both skilled warriors and wielders of magics. They do not back down from a challenge when the safety of their home is on the line. Despite this, they are not quick to anger, and are quick to tease and taunt any who fall back on unfounded stereotypes that the Dajkiva have short tempers.
The Dajkiva are often hired to join expeditions that will require someone with grasp of many languages (though they speak with a significant lisp), a vast understanding of history beyond their own species, and a willingness to manipulate those who would potentially bar the expedition from reaching its goals. Their charming personalities and strong grasp of social nuances often open doors and loosen tongues in ways that are mutually beneficial to the Dajkiva and those who hired them.
Languages and Names
Dajkiva speak Oria. Oria, in its natural form, is a complex language filled whistles, cooing, yodels and grunts combined with the clicking sounds derived from deep within the dajkiva's mouth. They are well versed in the usage of common, but their lack of lips makes it odd for them to speaking the majority of the other world languages. This does not keep them from learning hundreds of languages and attempting to speak them all. Like other species they tend to learn the most commonly spoken language within the region they live in.
Cultural Kin and Communities
Unlike many other species on Ta Los, the Dajkiva do not have a real homeland. Most sages and their own history point to an origin outside of the Khirius Solvetras, but where their home world is, has been lost to their memory and in the sands of of time.
Despite their overt, and natural friendliness, survival lies at the core of Dajkiva communities and with cultural kin; as everything hinges on making through each day. As a community they are very alert and observant about everything that goes on around their claimed regions. As a culture they are proud of their abilities and are quick to point out when something goes right. Dajkiva are not afraid of getting dirty or trying new things.
Dajkiva are separated into skeins of 20 or 30 families. Each family is made up of 5 to 6 individuals from parents, to younglings, to elders. Each skein is overseen by a matron and patron Dajkiva. Each skein live together near large bodies of water, wide rivers, or secluded streams near high water falls. Each of the families inevitably fall into different roles: hunters, gathers, craftsman, warriors, etc. This does not mean that a specific Dajkiva is unable to move to another role should they choose to. There is a great deal of family pride and honor in each of the roles that they have taken on.
As a species Dajkiva have traveled and spread to every corner of Ta Los, the world and through out the Omniverse. They exist in small skeins through out the wild world, or small groups within nearly every major city.
Dajkiva Features
Species Merit Cost: 1200
Age: Dajkiva begin at the age 12, and may live up to 50 years
Weight: Base 65 plus 3d10
Size: Dajkiva are small or medium creatures (3' -0" to 4'-0")
Vision: Dajkiva have Heightened Nightvision
Move: Base Move of 20 feet per Movement Action
Languages: Dajkiva begin play speaking Oria and any four languages they choose.
Resistances: Dajkiva are immune to poisons A-H
Dajkiva Bonuses: Dajkiva gain +10 Alertness checks,+10 Fatigue Points;
Dajkiva Attribute Modifiers: +10 to any two: Stamina, Agility, Wits or Willpower
Dajkiva Traits: Water Walk. Due to their unique bone structure, Dajkiva are able to run across the surface of water or snow up to four times their normal movement before they begin to sink.
Rage. Dajkiva are known to be social but they all suppress a deep, inner rage that they can enter that grants them a small bonus. Once per day for 1 turn per 2 Willpower they can increase their Attacks by +5 per 2 Ranks to a maximum of +50. They also become immune to some damage gaining a +10 Natural Armor for the duration.
Bite. Because of their hard beaks Dajkiva have a base damage of 4 bite as a Natural Weapon Attacks.
Species Abilities Dajkiva begin play with two of the following abilities: Affable, Deep Thought, Diplomat, Gibber, Guardian, Mortal's Hope, Second Wind, Weave Talent,
Species Abilities
Affable: While Dajkiva are well liked, you have that certain something that makes it even more likable. Anytime you attempt to influence (typically this includes Convince, Gaming, Haggle, Interrogate, or Leadership) other beings can make this check twice and take the better result of the two. Additionally, non-player character dispositions towards it always start off one level better than normal (for example, hostile changes to unfriendly).
Deep Thought: The creature is known for its deep, trance like thinking. Because of this it gain a +10 bonus to Meditation, Concentration, Interrogate, Skepticism, or Convince.
Diplomat: The creature gains a +10 bonus to any Convince, Haggle or Interrogate skill checks.
Gibber. The creature can confuse everyone within 15 feet by uttering nonstop gibberish usually about the scientific principles behind their inventions. Victims must make an opposed Intelligence check vs. the creature's Charisma check. Those that fail are Confused for 1 turn per success. Gibbering is considered a Simple Action.
Guardian: The creature has a natural desire to protect others when it can. The creature can move swiftly (twice its normal movement) to defend an ally, blocking blows and disrupting foes. The creature gains a +15 bonus to its Physical Defense if it is defending a nearby ally that is within double its normal movement rate. This can be used three times per day.
Mortal's Hope: The creature is filled with a sense of hope that grants it a +20 to any fear or horror checks and +10 to their Physical Defense. Additionally, 3 times per day it gains double their Stamina Modifier as Health Points when you reach 0 Health, this is in addition to any other bonus Health Points.
Second Wind: The creature has been touched by the winds of its ancestors, once per day it is able to recover an amount of Fatigue Points equal to half its maximum fatigue.
Weave Talent: Gain +10 bonus to either Divine Knowledge or Spellcraft and gain +10 Fatigue Points. This cannot be used with Kai Talent.