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Legends of Kralis Players Guide Updates

2023 Player's Guide Rules Updates

2024 Player's Guide Rules Updates

Addition to Mind Alteration -
      This spells grants the caster the ability to reach in to the mind of a single target and alter a number of things per casting.  Each affect can be cast only once on a target.

Addition to Mystic Action-
      Added: Action Type: Move


Addition to Arcane Touch -
      Added: Though you can take this ability without using Magic to gain access to other abilities that require Arcane Touch as a prerequisite.     


Addition to Divine Touch -
      Added: Though you can take this ability without using Divine Powers to gain access to other abilities that require Divine Touch as a prerequisite.


Addition to Enlightened -
      Added: Though you can take this ability without using Jinhu to gain access to other abilities that require Enlightened as a prerequisite.



Addition to Single Handedly -

      Missing Text: you cause your opponents to make (TS 6 Agility or Perception check those that fail) suffer -30 as a penalty



Power Shield (Updated) -

       Added: You are able to generate a shield of force around you or even on your arm.  This shield appears to be solid but it can only stop incoming damage such as weapon strikes, and spells that have a physical element to them such as Elemental Bolt, Lighting Stroke, etc.

      Added: Epic Tier: "This has a fatigue point cost of 20 per turn."
      Added: Epic Tier: "This has a fatigue point cost of 30 per turn."



Enlightened (Updated) -

      Added: You learn 1 Pathway and begin with 3 Hand Symbols



Martial Arts Style Tiger (Updated) -

      From: "Heroic: Martial Arts Throw: As a Full Action you.."

      To: "Heroic: Martial Arts Throw: As a Simple Action you.."

      Added: At Epic Tier: Additionally, you may now throw as a Basic Action.



Grappling (Updated)

      Added: Throwing with a Grapple: Those that have grappled another target may attempt throw the target 1' per 2 Strength modifier (this distance increases by +1' for every size the thrower is than the target) in any direction that they choose.  This is a Move Action.



Multiple Strike (Updated)

     ------------------------------ Multiple Strike, Improved Multiple Strike Overhaul Change ------------------


Multiple Strike
A character can attack more than once during their turn. Multiple strike allows a character to attack multiple times with either a melee weapon or missile weapon during their Full Action on their turn.
  All weapons can make multiple attacks, but the rate of attack differ based on size and type. A character must be trained in each attack skill to be used in a Multiple Strike. When attacking make a separate check for each attack.
The primary weapon used for the multiple strike can have multiple attacks based on their size and type.
• Ranged weapons gain additional attacks based on their type and size.
              Bows can fire a number of times based upon their size as listed below (see pg. 166.)
              Crossbows can fire once per turn and have specific reload times.
              Pistols (pg. 179-180), rifles (pg. 179-180) and repeating crossbows (pg. 172) suffer a skill score reduction due to recoil each time they are fired. Energy blasters (pistols or rifles) adhere to the Multiple Strike Rules based on their size.
• Tiny sized weapons get one attack per 20 points of WeaponForte.
• Small sized weapons get one attack per 30 points of WeaponForte.
• Medium sized weapons get one attack per 50 points of WeaponForte.
• Large sized weapons get one attack per 70 points of WeaponForte.
• Huge and larger sized weapons get one attack per 100 points of WeaponForte.
• Brawling attacks gain 1 Attack per 30 points of Brawling score.

• Natural attacks gain a number of attacks based on the score and natural weapon size of the creature. Tiny creatures are considered to have diminutive natural weapons (1 attack per 10 Attack Score); Small to Large creatures have small natural weapons (1 Attack per 30 Attack Score); Huge to Giant creatures have medium natural weapons (1 Attack per 50 Attack Score); Colossal to Mega creatures have large natural weapons (1 attack per 50 Attack Score).
• Martial Arts gain Quick Strike, Normal Strike or Power Strike, refer to Martial Arts Skill for more information.
The total number of attacks is based on your primary weapons WeaponForte Skill Score. For example, gaining one additional attack for every 30 points in this skill. At a WeaponForte Skill of 31 you gain one extra attack, at 61 you gain another extra attack, etc.
The maximum number of attacks that a creature can make in a turn is 10.  The defender defends against these attacks as normal.

Secondary Strike (see Improved Multiple Strike Ability pg. 104)
     Through the use of the Improved Multiple Strike ability you can gain an additional attack with a Secondary Attack once per turn. This attack is done at a -30 Weaponforte Skill Penalty.
    For example, using a second weapon, martial arts, brawling, or natural attack.
Examples: Bishop is wielding two daggers and has a WeaponForte of 67. This gives him 3 attacks with the primary hand dagger and 1 attack with their off-hand dagger. The penalties for his off-hand attack with the dagger is -30 reducing the skill to 37.
  Striker is wielding an imperial sword and has a WeaponForte of 82 and is also trained in Brawling at 75. Their sword is sized large and brawling is sized small. They would gain 2 attacks with their imperial sword and one with brawl. The penalties for his brawling attack is -30 reducing the score to 45.
  Raine is wielding a battle axe of 80, a pistol at a skill of 63, is skilled in brawling (56) and martial arts (65). Raine has many options but must choose one to be the primary weapon and one other to be the secondary attack. She chooses pistol as primary and martial arts as secondary. Pistol is a ranged weapon and martial arts is considered small sized. So this attack compliment would use the small sized penalties. She takes 4 shots with the pistol (at a -10, -20, -30, -40 Recoil Penalty) and one martial arts attack secondary attack.  The penalties for their martial arts attack is -30 reducing the skill to 35.

Dual Wielding Pistols or Crossbows
If a character is using two pistols, hand crossbows, or wrist activated weapons they are still able to fire both weapons simultaneously to their maximum number of times. However, they still must follow the standard Multiple Strike or Improved Multiple Strike rules. They also suffer a Skill Focus Penalty of -30 to each attack beyond the first.


Improved Multiple Strike
Ability Prerequisite: Str, Agi or Per 65
Merit Point Cost: 1500
You are now able to attack with a secondary weapon.
Heroic: Reduce the penalty Secondary Attack by -10;
Legendary: Gain 2 secondary attack (tiny to small) or 1 secondary attack (medium); OR Defender suffers -2 Successes to their Physical Defense
Epic: Gain 3 secondary attacks (tiny to small), 2 secondary attack (med) or 1 secondary attack (up to size large) OR Defender suffers -4 Successes to their Physical Defense; reduce the penalty Secondary Attack by -10;
Paragon:  Reduce the penalty of the Secondary Attack by -10; Increase maximum attacks a turn to 15;



Rules that are affected or follow this method:
Firing Standard Firearms
Firearms are used with the WeaponForte(Firearms) skill. Pistols and rifles not only have different reloading times, but also have a different rate of fire as well.
Standard pistols can fire up to 6 shots per Full Action (depending upon the pistol), while rifles can fire up to 4 times per turn. Single shots suffer no penalties. However, each shot after the first must adhere to the Multiple Strike rules plus a -10 Recoil Penalty for each shot above the first.


Repeating Crossbow Fire Rate:
Because of this clip of bolts it can fire up to 5 per Full Action. Repeating crossbows suffer a -10 Recoil penalty per shot beyond the first. The standard clip size holds 5 bolts equivalent to light crossbow bolts.


Acires Traits: Multiple Limbs: Acires are blessed with having four arms. Acires are used to using multiple arms at the same time they also gain a +15 bonus to grapple checks, gain +1 Multiple Strike with Medium or smaller weapons.


Jakara Ambidexterious Ability Update:
  Natural Ambidexterity: You are blessed with being naturally ambidextrous and do not suffer the -30 penalty when attacking with a Secondary Strike (pg. 338).



Paragon (Per 85;): You having become a very fast shooter. You gain +2 additional attacks with your bow.


Elemental Focus (Updated Definition and Wording Arrangement)

​      From:

   Ability Requirement: Arcane Touch;
   Merit Point Cost: 1000
   You have become particularly adept at a certain type of element, almost becoming one with it. Choose one element in which to focus: air, earth, essence, fire, spirit, or water. For that element only you gain the following: Increase the bonus damage of all spells from your element by 1d10 + Willpower Modifier.
   You also gain a unique attack ability connected with your element:
    You gain a unique attack ability connected with your element:
   Fire- There is 25% chance to catch objects on fire, including nonflammable items this does not "burn” the item, it merely creates a 1’ square per 3 successes of flame on the item. Deal +5 Bonus damage
   Air-There is 25% chance to cause Knockdown and Knockback equal to 5' per 2 successes;
   Water-There is 25% chance to "freeze” the object in place preventing movement for 1 turn per 3 successes.
   Earth-There is 25% chance to cause the person to be stunned for 2 turns.  
   Essence- There is 25% chance to cause the target to roll twice on it's defense check and take the worse of the two rolls.
   Spirit- Cumulative 25% chance to do double bonus damage against undead or summoned creatures
    All spells from your element receive a bonus +1 success if the caster successfully casts the spell. This does not counteract critical failure.



   Ability Requirement: Arcane Touch;
   Merit Point Cost: 1000
   You have become particularly adept at a certain type of element, almost becoming one with it. Choose one element in which to focus: air, earth, essence, fire, spirit, or water. For that element only you gain the following.

    Increase the bonus damage of all spells, when you cast spells, jinhu or divine, from your element by 1d10 + Willpower Modifier, this bonus damage ignores all but natural armor.

    All spells from your element receive a bonus +1 success if the caster successfully casts the spell. This does not counteract critical failure.
    You also gain a unique elemental ability connected to all your attacks (melee, missile, natural, spells, jinhu and divine).
  Fire- There is 25% (01-25) chance to catch objects on fire, including nonflammable items this does not "burn” the item, it merely creates a 1’ square per 3 successes of flame on the item. Deal +5 Bonus damage
   Air-There is 25% (01-25) chance to cause Knockdown and Knockback equal to 5' per 2 successes;
   Water-There is 25% (01-25) chance to "freeze” the object in place preventing movement for 1 turn per 3 successes.
   Earth-There is 25% (01-25) chance to cause the person to be stunned for d10/2 (1-5) turns. Target is granted a Willpower check each turn at a TS of 4to ignore effects. 
   Essence- There is 25% (01-25) chance to cause the target to roll twice on it's defense check and take the worse of the two rolls.
   Spirit- There is 25% (01-25) chance to do double bonus damage against undead or summoned creatures.



Cooperative Skills (Updated Definition and Wording Arrangement)


During the use of a Cooperative Skill use, only one roll is made. The character with the highest skill makes
the check, everyone else that is attempting to augment or help the target character's skill is allowed to make an appropriate or relevant skill check.
The effect of this help depends on how successful the helpers skill roll is:


During the use of a Cooperative Skill
the helping character makes a skill check with the same skill. Granting bonuses to the other character's attempt or in some cases penalizing the other character. Only one character can grant the Cooperative bonuses from this check to the character attempting the check. The effect of this help depends on how successful the helper's skill roll is:



Zhebrago Mastery: Iron Guard Maneuver (Updated Definition and Wording Arrangement)


If you successfully block an attack you can redirect the attack towards an opponent that is within your Strike Range adding half your rank as bonus successes to the attack.



If you successfully block an attack you can redirect the attack towards another opponent that is within your Strike Range adding half your rank as bonus successes to the attack.



Bhahuul Species Abilities Update


Powerful Charge: You have a naturally powerful Charge. You gain +10 bonus to your Attack Skill, but suffer no penalty to your Physical Defense at the end of your charge. You also gain d10+Strength Modifier in bonus damage in the attack.



        Powerful Charge: You have a naturally powerful Charge (you must move at least 15' in a straight line towards a target). When you declare a charging Attack (see page 336; you must still adhere to the rules of Charging), you gain +10 bonus to your Attack Skill and bonus damage equal to  d10+Strength Modifier for this attack.


Don't Think, Act Update


Don’t Think, Act
Ability Prerequisite: Intelligence 65
Fatigue Point Cost: 25 per use
Merit Point Cost: 400
Through the use of this ability you can increase your Attack Skill by temporarily sacrificing Intelligence. For 5 turns, you gain a +5 bonus to your Attack Skill per Intelligence modifier. During this time you cannot use any intelligence based skills.



Don’t Think, Act
  Ability Prerequisite: Intelligence 65
  Fatigue Point Cost: 25 per use
  Merit Point Cost: 400
  Through the use of this ability you can increase your Attack Skill by temporarily sacrificing Intelligence. For the next turn, you gain a +1 bonus to your Attack Skill per 2 Intelligence modifier. This bonus increases by +1 per 5 ranks to a maximum of +20. During this time you cannot use any intelligence based skills.



Improved Charge Update


Improved Charge
Ability Prerequisite: Strength 70
Merit Point Cost: 650
You have learned to better handle yourself during a charge. These secrets have lead you to increasing a normal charge to a powerful tactic. While you still suffer the base penalty for charging, you deal an additional amount of bonus damage equal to 5 points plus 5 points per size above small (medium deals 10, large deals 15, huge deals 20).
Additionally, if you are successful with the attack you automatically knock back your opponent equal to 2.5 feet per success in your attack (see Knockback pg 333 ).


Improved Charge
  Ability Prerequisite: Strength 70
  Merit Point Cost: 650
  You have learned to better handle yourself during a charge. These secrets have lead you to increasing a normal charge to a powerful tactic. You are in better control of the end of your charge, the Physical Defense penalty is now reduced by -5 per rank since you first took this ability. You also deal an additional amount of bonus damage equal to 10 points plus 2 points per size above small (medium deals 4, large deals 6, huge deals 10). Additionally, if you are successful with the attack you automatically knock back your opponent equal to 2.5 feet per success in your attack (see Knockback pg 333 ).



Charging Rule Update


Movement during a Charge: To charge a creature must spend 5 fatigue to hustle (double movement rate) and must move at least 15' in-order to be considered a charge, this costs 1 Fatigue Point per foot moved.

Attacking on a Charge: At the end of your movement you make a single melee attack, if you would normally be able to make multiple attacks, you make a single Attack and your secondary attack only . You gain a +30 bonus to your attack skill check and take a -40 penalty to your Physical Defense or any skill that you use instead of your standard Physical Defense until the start of your next turn. You may only charge with melee weapons.



    Movement during a Charge: To charge a creature must spend 5 fatigue to hustle (double movement rate) and must move at least 15' in a straight line towards a specified target-in order to be considered a charge, this costs 1 Fatigue Point per foot moved (this fatigue cost cannot be ignored).


    Attacking on a Charge: At the end of your movement you make a single melee attack, if you would normally be able to make multiple attacks, you make a single Attack and your secondary attack only. You gain a +1 bonus to your attack skill check per foot traveled (Maximum of +30) and take a -40 penalty to your Physical Defense or any skill that you use instead of your standard Physical Defense until the start of your next turn. You may only charge with melee weapons.



Iron Will Update

The skill Casing is a mistake.   It should be Information Gathering.



Deep Faith Update


  Ability Prerequisite: Faith, Cannot have Divine Presence; Willpower 80
  Merit Point Cost: 1000
  You are not a priest, nor do you pretend to be one. But you have such faith in the power of Positive Energy and Life; or Negative Energy and Death, that you are able to call upon the use of divine spells just as priests of the gods do.
  Because of this, you are not bound by any rules of divinity. Each time that you take this ability you gain access to another ranking of Divine Spells. Thus, with the Ability Faith you already have access to PR 1 &  2 Divine Spells, with Deep Faith you now have access to PR 3 spells and beyond.
  You may never have a spell that has a PR of 8 or greater. The fatigue cost for the use of these powers is increased by +1 its normal cost.


  Ability Prerequisite: Faith, Cannot have Divine Presence; Willpower 80
  Merit Point Cost: 1000
  You are not a priest, nor do you pretend to be one. But you have such faith in the power of Positive Energy and Life; or Negative Energy and Death, that you are able to call upon the use of divine spells just as priests of the gods do.
  Because of this, you are not bound by any rules of divinity. Each time that you take this ability you gain access to another ranking of Divine Spells. Thus, with the Ability Faith you already have access to PR 1 &  2 Divine Spells. Thus, with the Ability Faith you already have access to PR 1 & 2 Divine Spells. Deep Faith grants you the ability to increase this access to Divine Powers up to Power Rank 6. You may gain access to a new Power Rank each time that you take this ability. You can only take this ability once every 5 ranks. The fatigue cost for the use of these powers is increased by +1 its normal cost.



Undefended Attacks


    Undefended attacks are not surprise or rear attacks, they are attacks that are done against unsuspecting, or defenseless targets. When an attacker attacks against helpless, defenseless, or unsuspecting targets, use the following table:
       01-85% Target killed outright
       86-95   Target reduced to holding zero
       96 - 00  Target takes 10 successes worth of damage



    Undefended attacks are not surprise or rear attacks, they are attacks that are done against unsuspecting, or defenseless targets. When an attacker attacks against helpless, defenseless, or unsuspecting targets, use the following table:
       01 - 25% Target is Killed Out Right
       26 - 75   Target reduced to Holding Zero
       76 - 00  Target Killed Outright



Combative Leap


Combative Leap
Ability Prerequisite: Strength 70
Merit Point Cost: 250
Utilizing this ability, you are able leap around combat. You gain the ability to charge by leaping through the Charging Rule (pg. 336).
You can leap triple your base move towards opponents, so long as you have at least twice your height in space above you. This leap allows you to hurdle over most opponents (so long as they are the same size or smaller than you) and hindering terrain, gaining the bonuses and penalties in a normal charge (Chapter 5). This is exhaustive movement each time that you use this ability you must spend 25 fatigue.
Additionally, you are able to perform a combative leap to avoid an attack by leaping to another area granting you an Agility or Strength check to do so. For each success you gain in this check you gain +5 to your Physical Defense for the next turn as you leap.



Combative Leap
   Ability Prerequisite: Strength 70
   Merit Point Cost: 250
   Utilizing this ability, you are able leap around combat. You gain the ability to charge by leaping through the Charging Rule (pg. 336) with the following adjustments:
You can leap double your base move towards opponents, so long as you have at least twice your height in space above you. This leap allows you to hurdle over most opponents (so long as they are smaller than you) and hindering terrain, gaining the bonuses and penalties in a normal charge (Chapter 5). This is exhaustive movement each time that you use this ability you must spend 50 fatigue.
   Additionally, you are able to perform a combative leap to avoid an attack by leaping to another area granting you an Agility or Strength check to do so.  For each success you gain in this check you gain +5 to your Physical Defense for the next turn as you leap.


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