Legends of Kralis Game Master's Guide Updates
2024 Game Master's Guide Rules Updates
Rule Addition Collision Damage -
Collision Damage
Much like falling damage, Collision damage occurs when an object or entity is thrown (either by magic, throws, or via vehicle collision) into a wall or other hard surface. A target takes 5 points of Health damage and 10 Fatigue damage for every 5' feet that a target is thrown that it cannot move past. They take an additional 1 point of damage per Strength Modifier of the thrower. This damage ignores all non-natural armor.
For example, a character is thrown 10' feet but there is a wall 5' feet away. The character on hitting the wall would take 5 Health and 10 Fatigue points of damage, plus 1 additional point per Strength Modifier of the thrower.
If a target is thrown into another target, they share the total amount of damage (round damage up).