Option: Elemental Magic
A Free Form Magical System
Elemental magic is based on the use of specific elements in order to cause magical effects to occur. This magic type is bit more uncontrollable than Formulaic Arcane Magic but it offers a greater range of spells. An Elementalist calls upon the elements within the world and bends them to his will.
Elementalists use the Spellcraft skill in order to determine success or failure in their attempts to create magical effects and must have the ability Arcane Touch. Their success is dependent on Parameters that impose modifiers to the character’s attempt. Elementalists, while able to “create” spells of great Power Ranking are unable to cast them if they do not have sufficient Spellcraft points.
Casting Elemental Spells
Unlike “static” formula spellcasters who are able to read cryptic formulas from books or staves, elemental casters are exposed to a great deal of risk when casting. The casting of Elemental Spells is done similar to that of casting Static Spells,with spells having a specific Action Type to cast. If they are hit they must make a Concentration check TS of 1 per 10 damage taken. Those fail have their spell casting, or have their spell interrupted, must roll on the Failed Casting Effects table (pg. 224 Legends of Kralis Players Guide).
Finally, all elemental casters must have a foci. This foci can be anything the caster desires from a crystal to a chicken feather; the item must be some small object that is easily portable (staff, crystal, chicken feather, etc.) with GM approval. When a caster first picks up his foci he spends 10 permanent Fatigue Points in preparing the foci for its use in casting. Without this foci the caster has his Spellcraft Score reduced by half.
Casters can replace lost or stolen foci by spending a full day in ritual binding a new foci to themselves and spending an additional 10 permanent Fatigue Points.
Elemental Parameters
Fatigue Cost
Because of the nature of casting spells directly from the source, there are additional Fatigue Costs added on to the normal Fatigue Costs based on the Power Rank of the spell:
Power Ranks Fatigue Costs
1-3 3 per rank
4-5 6 per rank
6-8 9 per rank
9+ 12 per rank
Elemental Cost
All spells are made up of the six elements that hold life, time and reality together. It is through the use and combination of these elements that spellcasters form the spells that they cast. Casters combine one or more elements in order to form those spells.
Number of Elements Power Ranking Mod. Action Type Fatigue Point Costs
1 1 Simple 0
2 2 Simple 5
3 4 Full 10
4 6 Full 15
5 8 Full 20
6 10 Full 25
Range Cost
Normally, spells only affect targets a few feet away. A little extra effort can change this.
Range Power Ranking Modifier
Self -1 (to a minimum of 1)
Touch 0
Standard (1’/ 10 SpellCraft skill score points) +1 per 10'
Area of Effect Cost
Often casters want to have a spell that effects not just a singular person but a whole area or a number of individuals within range. The area of effect is a area of space that is typically either a cube or a sphere in shape, with the center of either being at the exact midpoint of the area and the range, if there is one.
Area of Effect Power Rank Modifier Fatigue Point Costs
Self +0 0
Single Target +1 per Target other than Self +2/target
10’ Radius +2/10’ Radius +3 per 10’ Rad.
Caster may choose for the AOE to be other than a sphere or cube, but this is more difficult and requires the Water element to be a part of the effect if it is not already.
Stretching the AOE to be shaped like a wall or beam applies +1 Power Rank Modifier per 5'x5'x5' wall; Cone like effects applies +2 Power Rank Modifier.
Creating an unaffected area (window) within the AOE applies +1 Power Rank Modifier, and +10 Fatigue Points.
Spells with multiple targets increase Power Rank by +1, and +2 FP per target after the first
Any duration other than instant requires the use of Essence.
Spell Duration PR Mod. Fatigue Costs
Instant - -
1 turn +1 -
5 Turns +1 5
1 minute +2 -
10 min +3 10
1 hour +4 20
1 day +5 40
1 week +6 60
1 month +7 120
1 year +8 80 + 20 Permanent per year beyond 1
Causing Damage
Damaging spells requires Spirit or Essence
Damaging spells: +4 FP per 2 points of base damage and +1 Power Rank per 2 points of base damage.
Mental Effects Cost
Mind control, charms, illusions, enchantments, and other effects that alter or control another mind are often used to manipulate individuals to do the bidding of the caster. When attempting to perform a mental effect the caster adds the target’s Intelligence Modifier x2 to Fatigue Costs and the target’s Intelligence Modifier as a penalty to Success Modifiers.
Abstract Effects Cost
There are a number of effects within spells that are abstract, such as the modification of a target’s statistics (Health Points, Fatigue Points, Attributes, Skills, Movement, Size, Weight, and Defenses) and much more. Many of the spells you may want to create simply cannot be created using this system, others you will need to work with your GM in order to get them right. For those spells that you wish to create abstract effects, use the following:
Effect PR Mod. Fatigue Cost
Increase/Decrease Attribute by +1 +1 +10
Increase/Decrease Health Temporarily by +2 +2 +10
Increase/Decrease Fatigue by +1 +2 +10
Increase/Decrease Skill by +5 +1 +10
Increase/Decrease Movement by +5 0 0
Increase/Decrease Size by 1 Category 0 +10
Increase/Decrease Weight by +20 lbs 0 0
Increase/Decrease Armor Absorb by +1 +1 +10
Increase/Decrease Specific Defense by +5 +1 +20
Each of the above effects increases Fatigue Point cost by +5 per increment.
Effects of Creating a spell
Elementalists cast spells in a natural way. This is what allows them to cast spells without the need of a spellbook. This creation process is very difficult and costly for the elementalist. The effects of casting ‘spontaneous’ elemental magic causes the mage to slowly become insane. For every 10 spells cast the Elementalist must make a Willpower check at a TS of 4 to avoid gaining 1 Insanity Point.
Fireball, 1 target base damage 4
Variable PR Mod. Fatigue Point Cost
Fire/Spirit 2 element 2 5
Standard Range 1 -
1 target AOE 0 2
4 points Base Damage 2 4
Total 5 11 + 30 Fatigue Cost for Spells
Light, 30’ dia, 1 turn/success
Variable PR Mod. Fatigue Point Cost
Fire/Air/Essence 2 Elements 2 5
Standard Range Touch 0 -
5 Turns Duration 1
30’ Dia AOE 6 9
Total 9 14 + 84 Fatigue Cost for Spells