You have been drawn into the study of demons, fiends and other infernal planar beings; this does not mean that you are associated with any faith or deity. Whether you are priest or you have become a sage, scribe, scholar or researcher into the occult and demoinc lore and practices from a cultural or historical perspective. In some cases this is a result of assisting in exorcisms by specially appointed priests, an attempt to understand why individuals form pacts with these entities; become a slayer of these beings; or attempting to summon and control these foul, unforgiven beings.
Hook: You have been a devout follower of one of the good-aligned deities and have taken interest in studying more about the infernal planes and their inhabtitants. You know that they are forces of evil and influence mortal behavior. You desire to control them as you find them, and force them leave the mortal worlds in peace or keep them at bay.
Hook: In what would prove to be a pivotal moment in your young unversity life, was an early confrontation with the infernal. Joined by some of your fellow occultists and university peers, you attempted to save a young girl who that had accidently summoned a demon. You attempted called forth another demon to defeat the first one, but unfortunately you botched the job and inadvertently consigned the girl and your friends to the infernal planes. You were blamed for their deaths and committed to an asylum from which you recently escaped from.
Hook: You have become notorious con artist and grifter whose past has a body count, your moral compass is gray. You have spent your time learning the knowledge of sorcerers and magicians, and are also an accomplished liar and thief known for your vices, self-loathing and on-again-off-again death wish. Somehow you have learned to not only to cheat death, but to trick the forces that govern the Celestial and the Infernal.
Associated Skill Bonuses: Pick 3: +10 to either Alchemy, Divine Knowledge, Convince, Etiquette, Lore (Demons & Fiends), Skepticism
Associated Bonuses: Gain One: +10 Fatigue; +10 Reputation; +5 Heroic Luck; or +10 Health
Starting Silver: 400 silver pieces